Shoresh Grants and Programs » Shoresh Grants

Shoresh Grants


Shoresh Grants

Imagine creating a program that brings new families together, gives parents of young Jewish children guidance and support, encourages the children to play and learn about Jewish concepts and helps them to feel a part of the Jewish community!


The Jewish Education Center of Cleveland is pleased to offer grants to innovative programs that target the participation of marginally-affiliated and under-involved families with young Jewish children (ages 0-5), while strengthening the connections of those involved in the Jewish community. Shoresh grants may be used for one-time or multi-session programming for parents and children together, or just parents. Requests that are collaborative in nature will be especially considered.



  • To identify and engage Cleveland’s marginally affiliated and under-involved families with young Jewish children.
  • To help these families find connection points to the Jewish community and with Judaism.
  • To increase the variety of Jewish social, educational and engagement opportunities for families with young Jewish children.
  • To encourage early childhood sites and their host institutions to develop a rich understanding of themselves as gateway institutions to Jewish community involvement.
Shoresh Grants are handled with an online application and reimbursement request process. Application information is on the Guidelines and Forms webpage (see column on the right).