Day School Professiona Development Grants » Day School Professional Development Grants

Day School Professional Development Grants

Grants > Day School Professional Development Grant

Professional Learning Communities Grant

The JEC provides grants to Cleveland Jewish Day Schools in order to support these schools in their efforts to develop quality professional learning programs for faculty that further the educational vision of the school. In an effort to promote research based best practices in professional development and ensure a high standard of professional learning opportunities for day school Jewish educators, this grant specifically provides funding that is intended to offset the costs of supporting and developing Professional Learning Communities (PLC) within schools. PLCs are:
  • educators from one school that gather together regularly
  • educators engage in reflective practice
  • educators learn collaboratively from each other


Each year schools are invited by the JEC to submit and present grant proposals to the JEC Day School Professional Development Committee. All funds from the grant are made available on a reimbursement basis to cover activities/materials directly related to professional learning community (PLC) work. This includes: conference fees, PLC facilitator stipends, teacher learning resources, and substitute teachers for release time.