Jewish Family Educator Network » Jewish Family Educator Network

Jewish Family Educator Network

The Jewish Family Educators Network of Cleveland began in 1994 as a task force for implementing community guidelines for B'nai Ceremonies.   By 1996, the network evolved into an ongoing network exploring the various ways synagogues might more effectively serve the needs of their family.   The forte of the network has been supporting the many family educators in funded positions in their family and intergenerational work but also includes rabbis and education directors.
Over the years the network has also taken on projects.   They have produced guides to creating a family education Vision (Kadima) and a resource guide for teaching with Wendy Mogel's book The Blessing of a B Minus.  Presently, the network is completing two year of work through a grant from the national Covenant foundation for Text Me: Judaism and Technology.
The chair of the Jewish Family Educators Network is Jill Cahn and Jeffrey Schein and Judy Schiller from the JEC are staff.