Teacher Licensure » Mentoring



The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) requires Resident Educator (RE) license holders to be mentored by 5-year professional license holders who have completed ODE mentor training.


Mentoring refers to the relationship between beginning or incoming educators (RE’s) and an educator (mentor) as they support, guide and instruct RE’s on their instructional decisions.
Mentors support RE’s as they implement the Ohio Standards of the Teaching Professional and apply the components of the teaching and learning cycle to their instructional practice. 
JEC Mentors earn professional development credit for each year they serve as a mentor to a RE by submitting a Pre-Approval form accompanied by a Mentor Professional Development form to the JEC each year.
Mentors are required to track time spent with RE’s and submit a mentor documentation to the JEC Program Coordinator.
With guidance and direction from the assigned mentor, Year 1 RE’s are required to complete and submit documents per yearly requirements.
Mentors serve as facilitators to Year 2 RE’s during the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA).